Willow, the comic, at 2 1/2 weeks!

Sleeping beauty!

Bouquet may be my keeper!

The puppies are two weeks old!

Petunia 2 weeks

Daffodil 2 weeks

Willow 2 weeks

Bloom 2 weeks

Bouquet 2 weeks

Petunia, 12 days!

Bouquet, 12 days!

Daffodil, 12 days!

Willow has opened her eyes!

The peepers are opening!

Bloom is the 1st to open his eyes, at 11 days!

Bouquet & Bloom!

Violetta's two black & whites!
Bouquet (female) on the left, Bloom aka Bloomer (male) on the right.

Willow & Petunia, 4 days old!




Happy Easter, from Daffodil "Daffy"

Harlow Stardust

Harlow & her dad just chillin' out! 
Quarantine seems to suit them!

So inspiring!

From the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
Click the link below!

Two days old!

Never Alone